David Miechiels

David Miechiels is the volunteer coordinator for the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy. He oversees the Conservancy’s volunteer program through recruitment, management, and retention.

David joined the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy in September of 2021. Since joining, he has contributed to a number of environmentally-focused initiatives, such as community cleanups, corporate cleanups, and sustainable waste-management projects. In addition to his role within the Conservancy, he represents his organization on the Detroit River Coalition and the Detroit Green Task Force. Prior to joining the Conservancy, David was a public school teacher in Metro Detroit. While teaching, he was involved in a number of committees working toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the education system. He earned his B.M. in Music Education from Michigan State University where he taught community music classes and worked to provide educational programs for youth. 

When not on the riverfront, David enjoys reading, making music, and staying active. He also recently began learning to bake. David lives in Detroit and enjoys doing his part in advocating for the health of the Detroit River.